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Barclays US

Partner promotions, corporate updates,

financial tips and seasonal content

United Way 

Fundraising campaign video for United Way Atlanta. Script explained what United Way does through the voice of an awesome kid.   

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Atlanta Hawks

Harry the Hawk has an easy commute as he gets back to work for a new season of the NBA. Featured on the Hawks' social media platforms.

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Sheltering Arms

Fundraising brochure for an early education non-profit in Atlanta. Focused on simplifying stats and making copy more conversational to attract donors.

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Weather Channel Digital

Writer/producer for Weather Channel's digital content. Videos featured on and The Weather Channel app. 

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Village Theatre

Writer for several radio spots on WABE promoting the theatre's comedy shows. Client loved the comedic tension of making a local NPR station sound funny.  



Wrote and edited lifestyle blogs promoting a line of skincare products.

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Copywriter for greeting cards aimed at being smart, local and topical. 

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Senior writer for a 6-hour true crime show called "In Session." Work included anchor scripts, promos, teases and show opens. 

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Sh*t Talking Sloth

This is what happens when you get bored during a pandemic and make a comedy show with junk you find in your home.


© 2021 by Marc Mooney

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